Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fighting unfair Juvenile justice

Welcome back to my blog. We are starting to close to the end and with this fact I want to make sure my readers understand what I'm fighting for. I'm fighting against the trying of children in adult courts. If children are tried in it is because the government want to use them as examples to other children. Also children who are tried as adults are less likey to reform and are more likey to get arrested again. Another problem I have with trying juveniles as adults is it pushes some children like Jimmy Stewart. By allowing states to have bills that allow for children to be tried as adults, America is showing other countries it is ok to destroy a trouble child's life. I believe if all 15 states ,that have bills that allow children to be tried as adults,  pass laws that don't allow for this to happen I feel that it make America a better place and also America would be a better example for other countries. Think of it this way, do you what to live in a country that allows for children to be in the same jail with murders, rapists ,and gang members?

- (picture) http://www.portlandmercury.com/binary/9a7b/1311262097-picture_2.png

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